Kumeyaay's School Philosophy
All children have human dignity, worth, can learn and show academic gains every year of instruction.
All children benefit from a quality and integrated learning experience in a safe environment.
The amount of instructional time spent by students on their studies can make a difference in achievement.
School experience and education make a positive difference in the future lives of children.
A high level of instructional quality can be maintained when there is school/home cooperation and support, instructional leadership and positive, appropriate recognistion of accomplishments.
- Talk about the importance and benefits of school with your child.
- Listen to your child. Discuss concerns that he or she expresses. Encourage your child and be reassuring.
- Establish good routines for eating, sleeping and doing school work. Agree upon a school bedtime.
- Provide a work and study area for your child. This area should be a private place away from distractions and siblings.
- Establish a communication link with the teacher,so that you are always informed about your child's progress.
- Become an active participate in your child's learning.
Independence and self-reliance are important qualities for school-age children.
Your child should be able to:
- State his or first and last name, address and phone number.
- Take off and put on his or her own clothing (i.e. using restroom, going out for recess/lunch). Shoelaces should be securely tied: buttons and zippers should be easy to use; and clothing should be comfortable and appropriate for school and weather.
- Recognize his or her own clothing. It is important that hats, jackets, and sweaters are labeled with your child's name.
- Go to the restroom without help.
- Be able to eat snacks and lunch independently.
- Handle objects and return them properly.
- Follow instructions given by an adult.
- Stay with a group of children with teacher supervision.
- Rely on being picked up on time by someone her or she knows.
- Please be on time to pick up your child.Children who are made to wait for pick up frequentlybecame anxious and unhappy.
- Make sure your child knows who will pick them up from school.
- Notify your child's teacher if there is a change in child care or pickup arrangements
- Read the notices and bulletins that are sent home by the school.
- If your child is fearful about school, play a "pretend" game with him or her to bring some familiarity to a new situation.
- Listen to what your child has to say about school. Do not force the conversation, but be attentive when your child is ready to share the experience.
- Review the work your child brings home. Help correct errors.
- Know the entrance and exits used by the children.